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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters
Free delivery anywhere in Hong Kong and Macau
Free HK Delivery
IQAir HealthPro replacement filters

Updated delivery arrangements in light of the local pandemic situation.

Please note that In light of the local pandemic situation, SF Express have suspended to-door deliveries.

Hong Kong Post is still delivering to most areas and we are using their services to fulfill orders where possible. 4-Mar UPDATE: Hong Kong Post operations are now extremely limited and we are unable to use Hong Kong Post for fulfillment until further notice.

For areas not currently served by Hong Kong Post, your order will be delivered to the SF Express Store, Business Station, or Locker nearest your address. We will contact you prior to dispatching your order to confirm that this delivery method is suitable for you.

Deliveries times for all orders are being impacted. We appreciate you understanding and will be doing our best to ensure that any inconvenience to our customers is minimised.

The Embee Team

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