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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters
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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters

Embee filters for IQAir®* launches in Hong Kong

Embee is pleased to announce our launch in Hong Kong, providing world-class affordable replacement filters for Hong Kong residents with IQAir® air purifiers.

About us

Embee was started by a group of Hong Kong based Australian expatriates that wanted to provide the healthiest possible living environment for their families, while reducing the expensive operating costs of high-quality air purifiers.

Our filters are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the specifications of the original manufacturers' models. The filters are designed in Australia and are produced with the same equipment used to manufacture filters for hospital operating rooms, advanced pharmaceutical and electronic manufacturing facilities, and biological containment facilities.

Our overriding goal is to help families minimize the health impact of Hong Kong’s poor air quality. You can learn more about our commitment to quality here.

We are a proud supporter of the Hong Kong based charity Clean Air Network and donate a portion of our sales to the organization. These organizations are striving to improve the quality of Hong Kong's air for all residents and we urge you to support them also.

Our products

Embee produces the full range of replacement filters for the IQAir® HealthPro® series*.

IQAir® produce award-winning air purifiers for the home, medical, and industrial markets and we provide medical-grade replacement filters for these purifiers at a reasonable price. See here to find out which filter you need.

This is a very exciting day for the entire team at Embee. We have been using our filters to protect our own families for some time and now offer you the opportunity to do so also.

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