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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters
Free delivery anywhere in Hong Kong and Macau
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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters
100% Australian Owned Embee

Hong Kong recycling information

Embee's PreProtect, PreProtect Plus, and HEPAProtect filters are framed in aluminium.

Aluminum is recyclable in Hong Kong, however the standard government recycling bins require separation (i.e. the frames to be removed), which we do not recommend our customers to do.

Fortunately the government publishes a list of private collectors and recyclers of non-ferrous metals. A full list can be found on the government's waste reduction website:

Some of these organisations perform separation for individual household items such as aluminium framed filters, while others are bulk collectors and do not. We recommend that you contact the collectors nearest to your location to enquire. One collector that accepts filters is Ngau Kee in Wanchai:

Ngau Kee
Shop H, G/F, Cactus Mansion*
McGregor Street, Wan Chai

* The entrance is on Spring Garden Lane (opposite side of building)

Google Maps location

Please note that the filters contain no harmful substances, and in the absence of suitable recycling facilities, may be safely disposed of in the regular trash after use.

*These guidelines assume that the filters have been used in a typical household setting. If the filter has been used to filter regulated substances in an industrial setting, then the appropriate local disposal regulations pertaining to those substances should be followed.